Regarding Christian Nationalism and Christian Supremacy.
Not every Nationalist is a Supremacist, but every Supremacist is a Nationalist.
If you need an analog to understand Christian Nationalism and Christian Supremacy I believe it’s useful to think of it like this. Christian Nationalism is like Racism in that it’s got a wide spectrum of manifestation in people’s lives. Racism can be anything from unconsciously having prejudice against people of certain races to overt conscious application of racist beliefs in every aspect of your life, but Christian Supremacy is like White Supremacy in that it takes the extreme end of Christian Nationalism and applies belief that nobody but Christians should have authority, privilege and in some cases rights in our society. If you believe that only Christians should hold political office, practice and write laws, control corporations and should be considered for rights and privileges under the law, you’re at the Supremacist end of Christian Nationalism.
What Lance Wallnau did in introducing “The 7 Mountain Mandate”, an idea which supposedly came from a prophecy around someone seeing a vision of seven mountains rising out of the ocean, was to provide a gateway for Christian Nationalists to regard Supremacy as an acceptable idea. In New Apostolic Reformation circles it’s enticing because it comes out of prophecy, in White Nationalist groups it justifies many beliefs they already held and in mainstream Evangelical society it provides the rationalization for political aspirations they’ve been striving toward for decades.
Because of the nature of Supremacism we can expect catty in-fighting. We see this in neo-Nazi organizations all the time. How this will manifest with Christian Supremacists will probably focus on dogma, doctrine and the application of them. We’ve already seen aspects of this with groups like “The Society for American Civic Renewal” and their acceptance only of people who are “...male , Trinitarian Christian , heterosexual, an unhyphenated American and can answer questions about Trump, the Republican Party and Christian Nationalism in the right way.” Trinitarianism is the key here as it excludes Christians who they feel don’t believe or worship correctly like Mormons, Christian Scientists, Jehovah’s Witnesses or Unitarians.
If the New Apostolic Reformation churches congeal into an actual denomination while still holding influence over candidate Trump, it might come down to exclusion of churches which don’t believe in the “Five Fold Ministry” model of church structure, or non-charismatic churches. However this shakes out, supremacist organizations have a hard time coming together and working with each other for long. The KKK and Nazis in America have long standing beefs and only work together when it’s immediately beneficial to both organizations, but it does occasionally happen...and nothing is as immediate to the Christian Supremacists as getting Trump back in the White House in 2024, so who knows if all these groups can join up like a giant Voltron of religious hate?
When we can really expect to see the fractures form and expand into fissures of division is if Trump does get back into the White House. All of them will be vying for the president’s ear and all of them will be lining up outside Speaker Johnson’s office...but the former has no idea about doctrine and the latter has deep ties to the NAR, so the battle for primacy among the Christian Supremacists will be long, petty and probably spill out into the media making the other 2/3 of the Christian Nationalists annoyed and confused, and probably cause a number of them to distance themselves from it all.
On a side note, please notice that I didn’t say Trump would necessarily get elected to the presidency. There’s still a chance that post electoral chicanery could force a Republican majority in the Senate to select the president, but that’s a story for another article. Suffice it to say though, we can’t expect the Supremacists to not try to whip the whole Nationalist arm of American Christianity into a frenzy should Trump lose the election. They believe they are to conquer and colonize our government.